APN Executive Director
The APN is a Network of Certified Insurance Appraisers, Certified Insurance Umpires and Industry Professionals that Support the Policyholders, Carriers and the Appraisal Panel.
The Appraisers are from both sides of the policy. The Umpires are Neutral to either side. The Industry Professionals support the Appraisal Panel through Trainings, Expert Reporting and Technical Bulletins.
The APN Members “Network” together to Raise the Bar of Ethics, Knowledge and Professionalism in the Industry, through White Papers, Podcasts, Education, Legislative Updates, and Networking, The APN Members check their egos at the door. All of us are striving for the same end. “Open-Mindedness, Impartiality, Fairness and Getting it Right”!
The Appraisers and Umpires can turn to and rely on the APN Industry Professional Members, for accurate and unbiased information. With this information the Appraisal Panel can confidently arrive at impartial, competent and accurate awards. The Industry Professionals never influence or try to sway the Appraisal Panel. They only provide factual information so the Panel can make an informed decision.
The APN Industry Professional Members are Attorneys, Adjusters both Indepedent and Public Adjusters, Contractors, Industry Associations, Insurance Agents, Insurance Companies, Public Officials, Building Material Manufacturers and more. These Professionals are dedicated to improving the Insurance Claims Industry and delivering exceptional work product and services.
The APN has a Special Membership for the Policyholder. When they join APN for free, they will be able to learn ways to prepare for catastrophic events, how to mitigate additional damages after the event and how to rebuild their properties and lives.
“Without the Policyholder, this Industry doesn’t exist.”