
“Alternative Dispute Resolution”
“Litigation Alternative”

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The APN is a Network of Certified Insurance Appraisers, Certified Insurance Umpires and Industry Professionals that Support the Policyholders, Carriers
and the Appraisal Panel.

The Appraisers are from both sides of the policy. The Umpires are Neutral to either side.……….

…….”Without the Policyholder, this Industry doesn’t exist.”
Click Here to Read or Listen to the entire message.

A Quick Look Inside

Industry’s Most Robust Search Engine

  • 20 Categories, 195 Items + All Zip Codes, Includes 100s Search FilterCombinations
  • Appraisers & Umpires
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Membership Directory

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  • Personal Introduction Video
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  • Video Introductions
  • Topical Dicussions
  • Industry Podcasts

APN Services

  • Discounted Travel Lodging
  • Business & Insurance Valuations
  • Construction, Education, Deductible Financing

Policyholder Section

  • Appraisal FAQ
  • Policyholder Surveys
  • Catastrophic Event Tips


  • White Papers
  • Industry Links
  • Building Codes
  • State, Local Government Offices
  • And More….

Helpful Industry Pages

  • Industry Events
  • Weather Resources
  • Training Courses
  • Industry Survyes
  • News Outlets
  • Blogs

Membership Levels

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